- Eukaryotic 40S ribosomal subunits bind to the 5
end of mRNA and scan the mRNA until they reach an initiation site.
- A eukaryotic initiation site consists of a 10 nucleotide sequence that includes an AUG codon.
- 60S ribosomal subunits join the complex at the initiation site.
Initiation of protein synthesis in eukaryotic cytoplasm
resembles the process in bacteria, but the order of events is different, and the
number of accessory factors is greater. Some of the differences in initiation
are related to a difference in the way that bacterial 30S and eukaryotic 40S
subunits find their binding sites for initiating protein synthesis on mRNA. In
eukaryotes, small subunits first recognize the 5
end of the mRNA, and then move to the initiation site,
where they are joined by large subunits. (In prokaryotes, small subunits bind
directly to the initiation site.)
Virtually all eukaryotic mRNAs are monocistronic, but each
mRNA usually is substantially longer than necessary just to code for its
protein. The average mRNA in eukaryotic cytoplasm is 1000-2000 bases long, has a
methylated cap at the 5
terminus, and carries 100-200 bases of poly(A) at the 3
The nontranslated 5
leader is relatively short, usually <100 bases. The length of the coding region is
determined by the size of the protein. The nontranslated 3
trailer is often rather long, sometimes
~1000 bases.
The first feature to be recognized during translation of a
eukaryotic mRNA is the methylated cap that marks the 5
end. Messengers whose caps have been removed are not
translated efficiently in vitro. Binding of 40S subunits to mRNA
requires several initiation factors, including proteins that recognize the
structure of the cap.
Modification at the 5
end occurs to almost all cellular or viral mRNAs, and
is essential for their translation in eukaryotic cytoplasm (although it is not
needed in organelles). The sole exception to this rule is provided by a few
viral mRNAs (such as poliovirus) that are not capped; only these exceptional
viral mRNAs can be translated in vitro without caps. They use an
alternative pathway that bypasses the need for the cap.
Some viruses take advantage of this difference. Poliovirus
infection inhibits the translation of host mRNAs. This is accomplished by
interfering with the cap binding proteins that are needed for initiation of
cellular mRNAs, but that are superfluous for the noncapped poliovirus
We have dealt with the process of initiation as though the
ribosome-binding site is always freely available. However, its availability may
be impeded by secondary structure. The recognition of mRNA requires several
additional factors; an important part of their function is to remove any
secondary structure in the mRNA (see Figure
Sometimes the AUG initiation codon lies within 40 bases of
the 5
Migration stops when the 40S subunit encounters the AUG
initiation codon. Usually, although not always, the first AUG triplet sequence
to be encountered will be the initiation codon. However, the AUG triplet by
itself is not sufficient to halt migration; it is recognized efficiently as an
initiation codon only when it is in the right context. The most important
determinants of context are the bases in positions –4 and +1. An initiation codon may be recognized in the
sequence NNNPuNNAUGG. The purine (A or G) 3 bases before the AUG codon,
and the G immediately following it, can influence the efficiency of translation
by 10×. When the leader sequence is long, further
40S subunits can recognize the 5
end before the first has left the initiation site,
creating a queue of subunits proceeding along the leader to the initiation site
(Kozak, 1978; for review see Kozak, 1983).
It is probably true that the initiation codon is the first
AUG to be encountered in the most efficiently translated mRNAs. But what happens
when there is an AUG triplet in the 5
nontranslated region? There are two possible escape
mechanisms for a ribosome that starts scanning at the 5
end. The most common is that scanning is
leaky, that is, a ribosome may continue past a non-initiation AUG because it is
not in the right context. In the rare case that it does recognize the AUG, it
may initiate translation but terminate before the proper initiation codon, after
which it resumes scanning.
The vast majority of eukaryotic initiation events involve
scanning from the 5
cap, but
there is an alternative means of initiation, used especially by certain viral
RNAs, in which a 40S subunit associates directly with an internal site called an
IRES (for review see Hellen and Sarnow, 2001). (This entirely bypasses any
AUG codons that may be in the 5
nontranslated region.) There are few sequence
homologies between known IRES elements. We can distinguish three types on the
basis of their interaction with the 40S subunit:
- One type of IRES includes the AUG initiation codon at its upstream boundary.
The 40S subunit binds directly to it, using a subset of the same factors that
are required for initiation at 5
ends (Kaminski, Howell, and Jackson, 1990; Pestova, Hellen, and Shatsky, 1996).
- Another is located as much as 100 nucleotides upstream of the AUG, requiring a 40S subunit to migrate, again probably by a scanning mechanism.
- An exceptional type of IRES in hepatitis C virus can bind a 40S subunit directly, without requiring any initiation factors (Pestova et al., 1998). The order of events is different from all other eukaryotic initiation. Following 40S - mRNA binding, a complex containing initiator factors and the initiator tRNA binds.
Use of the IRES is especially important in picornavirus
infection, where it was first discovered, because the virus inhibits host
protein synthesis by destroying cap structures and inhibiting the initiation
factors that bind them (see 6.9 Eukaryotes use a complex of many initiation factors)(Pelletier and Sonenberg, 1988).
Binding is stabilized at the initiation site. When the 40S
subunit is joined by a 60S subunit, the intact ribosome is located at the site
identified by the protection assay. A 40S subunit protects a region of up to 60
bases; when the 60S subunits join the complex, the protected region contracts to
about the same length of 30-40 bases seen in prokaryotes.