- Synonym codons have the same meaning in the genetic code. Synonym tRNAs bear the same amino acid and respond to the same codon.
- Third base degeneracy describes the lesser effect on codon meaning of the nucleotide present in the third codon position.
- A stop codon (Termination codon) is one of three triplets (UAG, UAA, UGA) that causes protein synthesis to terminate. They are also known historically as nonsense codons. The UAA codon is called ochre, and the UAA codon is called amber, after the names of the nonsense mutations by which they were originally identified.
- 61 of the 64 possible triplets code for 20 amino acids.
- 3 codons do not represent amino acids and cause termination.
- The genetic code was frozen at an early stage of evolution and is universal.
- Most amino acids are represented by more than one codon.
- The multiple codons for an amino acid are usually related.
- Related amino acids often have related codons, minimizing the effects of mutation.

Codons representing the same or related amino acids tend to
be similar in sequence. Often the base in the third position of a codon is not
significant, because the four codons differing only in the third base represent
the same amino acid. Sometimes a distinction is made only between a purine
versus a pyrimidine in this position. The reduced specificity at the last
position is known as third base degeneracy.
The interpretation of a codon requires base pairing with the
anticodon of the corresponding aminoacyl-tRNA. The reaction occurs within the
ribosome: complementary trinucleotides in isolation would usually be too short
to pair in a stable manner, but the interaction is stabilized by the environment
of the ribosomal A site. Also, base pairing between codon and anticodon is not
solely a matter of A·U and G·C base pairing. The ribosome controls the environment
in such a way that conventional pairing occurs at the first two positions of the
codon, but additional reactions are permitted at the third base. As a result, a
single aminoacyl-tRNA may recognize more than one codon, corresponding with the
pattern of degeneracy. Furthermore, pairing interactions may also be influenced
by the introduction of special bases into tRNA, especially by modification in or
close to the anticodon.
The tendency for similar amino acids to be represented by
related codons minimizes the effects of mutations. It increases the probability
that a single random base change will result in no amino acid substitution or in
one involving amino acids of similar character. For example, a mutation of CUC
to CUG has no effect, since both codons represent leucine; and a mutation of CUU
to AUU results in replacement of leucine with isoleucine, a closely related
amino acid.
Figure 7.2 plots the number of codons
representing each amino acid against the frequency with which the amino acid is
used in proteins (in E. coli). There is only a slight tendency for
amino acids that are more common to be represented by more codons, and therefore
it does not seem that the genetic code has been optimized with regard to the
utilization of amino acids.
The three codons (UAA, UAG, and UGA) that do not represent
amino acids are used specifically to terminate protein synthesis. One of these
stop codons marks the end of every gene.
Is the genetic code the same in all living
Comparisons of DNA sequences with the corresponding protein
sequences reveal that the identical set of codon assignments is used in bacteria
and in eukaryotic cytoplasm. As a result, mRNA from one species usually can be
translated correctly in vitro or in vivo by the protein
synthetic apparatus of another species. So the codons used in the mRNA of one
species have the same meaning for the ribosomes and tRNAs of other
The universality of the code argues that it must have been
established very early in evolution. Perhaps the code started in a primitive
form in which a small number of codons were used to represent comparatively few
amino acids, possibly even with one codon corresponding to any member of a group
of amino acids. More precise codon meanings and additional amino acids could
have been introduced later. One possibility is that at first only two of the
three bases in each codon were used; discrimination at the third position could
have evolved later. (Originally there might have been a stereochemical
relationship between amino acids and the codons representing them. Then a more
complex system evolved.)
Evolution of the code could have become "frozen" at a point
at which the system had become so complex that any changes in codon meaning
would disrupt existing proteins by substituting unacceptable amino acids. Its
universality implies that this must have happened at such an early stage that
all living organisms are descended from a single pool of primitive cells in
which this occurred.
Exceptions to the universal genetic code are rare. Changes
in meaning in the principal genome of a species usually concern the termination
codons. For example, in a mycoplasma, UGA codes for tryptophan; and in certain
species of the ciliates Tetrahymena and Paramecium, UAA and UAG code for
glutamine. Systematic alterations of the code have occurred only in
mitochondrial DNA (see 7.7 There are
sporadic alterations of the universal code).