- Microsatellite DNAs consist of repetitions of extremely short (typically <10 bp) units.
- Minisatellite DNAs consist of ~10 copies of a short repeating sequence. the length of the repeating unit is measured in 10s of base pairs. The number of repeats varies between individual genomes.
- VNTR (variable number tandem repeat) regions describe very short repeated sequences, including microsatellites and minisatellites.
- DNA fingerprinting analyzes the differences between individuals of the fragments generated by using restriction enzymes to cleave regions that contain short repeated sequences. Because these are unique to every individual, the presence of a particular subset in any two individuals can be used to define their common inheritance (e.g. a parent-child relationship).
- The variation between microsatellites or minisatellites in individual genomes can be used to identify heredity unequivocally by showing that 50% of the bands in an individual are derived from a particular parent.
Sequences that resemble satellites in consisting of tandem
repeats of a short unit, but that overall are much shorter, consisting of (for
example) from 5-50 repeats, are common in mammalian genomes. They were
discovered by chance as fragments whose size is extremely variable in genomic
libraries of human DNA. The variability is seen when a population contains
fragments of many different sizes that represent the same genomic region; when
individuals are examined, it turns out that there is extensive polymorphism, and
that many different alleles can be found (Jeffreys, Wilson, and Thein, 1985).
The name microsatellite is
usually used when the length of the repeating unit is <10 bp, and the name minisatellite is used when the length of the repeating
unit is ~10-100 bp, but the terminology is not precisely defined. These types of
sequences are also called VNTR (variable number
tandem repeat) regions.
The cause of the variation between individual genomes at
microsatellites or minisatellites is that individual alleles have different
numbers of the repeating unit. For example, one minisatellite has a repeat
length of 64 bp, and is found in the population with the following
7% 18 repeats
11% 16 repeats
43% 14 repeats
36% 13 repeats
4% 10 repeats
The rate of genetic exchange at minisatellite sequences is
high, ~10–4 per kb of DNA. (The
frequency of exchanges per actual locus is assumed to be proportional to the
length of the minisatellite.) This rate is ~10×
greater than the rate of homologous recombination at meiosis, that is, in any
random DNA sequence.
The high variability of minisatellites makes them especially
useful for genomic mapping, because there is a high probability that individuals
will vary in their alleles at such a locus. An example of mapping by
minisatellites is illustrated in Figure 4.27. This shows
an extreme case in which two individuals both are heterozygous at a
minisatellite locus, and in fact all four alleles are different. All progeny
gain one allele from each parent in the usual way, and it is possible
unambiguously to determine the source of every allele in the progeny. In the
terminology of human genetics, the meioses described in this figure are highly
informative, because of the variation between alleles.
One family of minisatellites in the human genome share a
common "core" sequence. The core is a G•C-rich
sequence of 10-15 bp, showing an asymmetry of purine/pyrimidine distribution on
the two strands. Each individual minisatellite has a variant of the core
sequence, but ~1000 minisatellites can be detected on Southern blot by a probe
consisting of the core sequence.
Consider the situation shown in Figure
4.27, but multiplied 1000×. The effect of the
variation at individual loci is to create a unique pattern for every individual.
This makes it possible to assign heredity unambiguously between parents and
progeny, by showing that 50% of the bands in any individual are derived from a
particular parent. This is the basis of the technique known as DNA fingerprinting.

Minisatellites undergo the same sort of unequal
crossing-over between repeats that we have discussed for satellites (see Figure 4.1). One telling case is that increased variation
is associated with a meiotic hotspot (Jeffreys, Murray, and Neumann, 1998). The
recombination event is not usually associated with recombination between
flanking markers, but has a complex form in which the new mutant allele gains
information from both the sister chromatid and the other (homologous) chromosome
(Jeffreys et al., 1994).
It is not clear at what repeating length the cause of the
variation shifts from replication slippage to recombination.